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Adams 14 Superintendent and Board Members presenting at ALAS

The Adams 14 superintendent and two board members presented at the 2023 summit for the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents. 

ALAS is a national organization whose mission is founded on the need for Latino leadership representation in schools across the country. ALAS cultivates all leaders committed to ensuring equitable outcomes for all students with an emphasis on Latino youth.

The 20th-anniversary ALAS Education Summit was held between Oct. 4 and 6 in San Antonio, Texas. During this year's event, Superintendent Karla Loría gave a presentation outlining how Adams 14 was able to defeat the State Board of Education's reorganization order while increasing its student achievement.

Adams 14 Board President Renee Lovato and Vice President Janet Estrada shared their stories about the duty of governing through equitable questioning, transformational policy-making, and the passing of resolutions that put students first.